• Congratulations Cherry Hill High School East Class of 2021!

    A live stream of the East Commencement Ceremony will be available below Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 7:00 pm. A recording will be available soon after the live stream event has ended.


    Schedule of Events for June 17th

    • 5:30 pm: North and South Parking Lots open
    • 5:45 pm: All Seniors in West Auditorium in preparation for graduation
    • 6:00 pm: Gates open for spectators
    • 6:15 pm: Student line up begins and students/faculty begin moving to stadium
    • 7:00 pm: Graduation ceremony begins
    • 8:50 pm: Approximate ceremony completion

     Download the complete copy of the Schedule of Events for June 17th with directions for parking and maps