District News

  • League of Innovative Schools

    Please read the press release regarding Cherry Hill Public Schools acceptance into the League of Innovative Schools.

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  • The Board of Education Candidates Forum Available on YouTube

    BOE Candidates Forum Flyer
    The Board of Education Candidates Forum, held on September 22, 2024, and sponsored by Zone PTA, is available for viewing on the District YouTube Channel. Candidate bios (submitted by the candidates) are available online.
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  • 2024-2025 Federal School Meal Applications Now Available

    School lunch icon

    Why Fill Out a Meal Application?

    You may qualify as the eligibility guidelines have been expanded for the 2024-2025 school year! Qualification information is available in English and Spanish.

    If you qualify for meal benefits, you may be eligible for additional benefits (internet discounts, sports fee waived, etc.).

    The information is confidential!

    Things to Remember:

    If your child received free or reduced meals last school year, an application MUST be filled out every year to determine if your child qualifies for the upcoming school year.

    Only ONE application per household is required - list all students on one application.

    Breakfast is available daily at all locations.

    This is a Federal meal application- include all household members (related or not) residing in the home including military deployed.

    If your child receives free school meals, you may qualify for Internet Essentials from Comcast

    If we do not receive an application by October 15th and your child currently receives benefits, your child's status will change to full pay.

    Applications are available online in English and Spanish

    If it is time to add money to your child’s school meal account or if you are new to the District, create your account online to add money.

    ALL outstanding meal accounts from the 2023/2024 school year MUST be paid before school begins on September 3.

    Any questions, please email Alisha Wilson at awilson@chclc.org

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Quick Questions and Answers

  • Why aren't the most recent board minutes and agendas posted on the district website? The last postings are from 2019 and earlier. Where are the 2020-2024 agendas/minutes?

    Thank you for your question. All Board of Education minutes from January 11, 2021, to the most recent meeting are posted on the Board Agendas, Minutes and Notes page of the district website. We have updated the large rectangle "button" link labeled "Board of Education Meeting Agendas and Minutes (Link to BoardDocs)" by adding the phrase, "October 2019-Present" to make the location of the most recent agendas clearer. Simply click on the rectangle to access those agendas. Board of Education Agendas and Minutes from January 11, 2011 to October 2019 can be viewed in the archive on the left side of the page.

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  • How do I report trees that need attention on school property? I've noticed one that appears to be dead and another that is encroaching on the sidewalk. The Township referred me to the School Board. Thank you!

    Please contact our Director of Facilities, Stephen Nicolella, at snicolella@chclc.org or (856) 429-5600, extension 4202.

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  • My son will be turning 4 on December 8, 2023. When would he be eligible for public school? I saw an article that pre-school might be expanding soon and wondered when he would be able to go. If he isn't eligible for pre-school, what school year would he be able to start kindergarten?

    The 2023-2024 school year enrollment application period for the Estelle V. Malberg Early Childhood Center has closed. Please check the school's website during the 2023-2024 school year for updates on the application process for the 2024-2025 school year. 

    Your son will be eligible to start kindergarten in September 2025, as all kindergartners must be five years old on or before October 1 of the school year. 

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  • Where can I find working papers online?

    Working papers are available online on the State of New Jersey's website at the following link


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  • The Cherry Hill Public Schools' Homeless Liaison is Ms. Shavonne D. Carter. You may reach her at scarter@chclc.org or at (856) 429-5600, extension 4372.

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  • What is the difference between a Lockout, Shelter in Place, and Lockdown?


    It can be unnerving to hear about certain protocols taking place in a school for safety and/or security reasons. What’s happening when your child’s school is in “lockout” “shelter in place” or “lockdown”? Here are the procedures followed:



    1. All outside activities are suspended.

    2. Exterior doors remain secured.

    3. No one is permitted to exit or enter the building except for outside activities.

    4. Classroom instructions and the change of classes proceed as normal.



    1. All outside activities are suspended.

    2. Exterior doors remain secured.

    3. No one is permitted to exit or enter the building.

    4. School staff remain in their classrooms and office areas.

    5. Classroom doors and windows are secured and there is no change of classes.

    6. Teachers continue to provide classroom instructions.



    1. School staff conducting outside activities relocate to an alternate site off school grounds.

    2. Exterior doors remain secured.

    3. No one is permitted to exit or enter the building.

    4. School staff remain in their classrooms and office areas.

    5. Classroom doors and windows are secured and there is no change of classes.

    6. Lights are turned off and silence is maintained.

    7. Students are relocated, out of sight.

    8. Staff take measures to communicate if an emergency exists at their location.

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  • What is the construction at Beck Middle School concerning?

    As part of the District’s ongoing commitment to ADA Accessibility, the work at Beck Middle School this summer of 2022 is addressing ADA accessibility to the main entrance of the building as well as drainage and damaged asphalt, sidewalks and curbing in the front of the building. 

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  • I heard a rumor that the school district is combining the two high schools and building a new, singular high school on the Springdale Farms property. Is there any truth to this?

    Thank you for contacting us directly with this question. There is no truth to this rumor.

    The Cherry Hill Public School District will continue to operate with two comprehensive high schools, Cherry Hill East and Cherry Hill West, at their current sites. We will be putting up for vote on October 6, 2022 a bond referendum with plans for significant improvements to all of our school buildings. Please visit the Cherry Hill Tomorrow website for details.

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  • Would a junior high student from outside of Cherry Hill Public Schools who is entering high school in Cherry Hill in '23 ever get to visit the high schools before entering 9th grade, such as at an Open House or a shadow day? How would we find out the dates of these events or go about signing up for them?

    WE are thrilled to hear that you are planning for your child to attend one of our high schools in 2023! Students are given the opportunity to visit both of our comprehensive high schools, Cherry Hill High School East and Cherry Hill High School West, before attending. Open House events for eighth grade students and their parents are held each winter. For eighth graders entering high school in the fall of 2023, Cherry West's Open House is tentatively scheduled for January 18, 2023; Cherry Hill East's is tentatively scheduled for January 26, 2023 -- both at 7 pm. If your child is not enrolled in the Cherry Hill Public Schools at that time, please contact the main office of each school to let them know you and your child are interested in attending the open house. If you are unable to attend on those dates, please contact the school to arrange for another visit.  

    The 2023 Open House dates will be added to the District Events Calendar during the summer of 2022. 

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  • Between my three kids, I have over $100 in their lunch accounts that I don't anticipate them ever using. How do I get my money back? Thanks!

    Please contact Ms. Alisha Wilson in our business office at awilson@chclc.org and she will be happy to assist you.

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  • Are your school gymnasiums open in the evening for local residents to walk for exercise purposes? Thanks.

    Because staffing is required to keep our buildings open after hours, the gymnasiums in our schools are not open to the public in the evening except for specific events. 

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