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District News
State of the District Presentation
Superintendent Dr. Kwame Morton presented the 2024 State of the District for Cherry Hill Public Schools at the Board of Education meeting on November 26th. -
Community Message
Please read this community message for the Cherry Hill Public School Community from Superintendent Dr Morton.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade Pre-Registration Begins 12/02/24
Children must be five (5) years old on, or before, October 1, 2025, to be eligible for kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in the Estelle V. Malberg Early Childhood Center and our Pre-Kindergarten 4 Programs, do not need to pre-register online. -
League of Innovative Schools
Please read the press release regarding Cherry Hill Public Schools acceptance into the League of Innovative Schools.
The Board of Education Candidates Forum Available on YouTube
The Board of Education Candidates Forum, held on September 22, 2024, and sponsored by Zone PTA, is available for viewing on the District YouTube Channel. Candidate bios (submitted by the candidates) are available online. -
2024-2025 Federal School Meal Applications Now Available
Why Fill Out a Meal Application?
You may qualify as the eligibility guidelines have been expanded for the 2024-2025 school year! Qualification information is available in English and Spanish.
If you qualify for meal benefits, you may be eligible for additional benefits (internet discounts, sports fee waived, etc.).
The information is confidential!
Things to Remember:
If your child received free or reduced meals last school year, an application MUST be filled out every year to determine if your child qualifies for the upcoming school year.
Only ONE application per household is required - list all students on one application.
Breakfast is available daily at all locations.
This is a Federal meal application- include all household members (related or not) residing in the home including military deployed.
If your child receives free school meals, you may qualify for Internet Essentials from Comcast
If we do not receive an application by October 15th and your child currently receives benefits, your child's status will change to full pay.
Applications are available online in English and Spanish.
If it is time to add money to your child’s school meal account or if you are new to the District, create your account online to add money.
ALL outstanding meal accounts from the 2023/2024 school year MUST be paid before school begins on September 3.
Any questions, please email Alisha Wilson at awilson@chclc.org
Wireless Communication Device Policy Takes Effect with Start of 2024-2025 School Year
Effective this school year, 2024-2025, student use of wireless devices will be prohibited during instructional periods.
Research shows that student use of wireless communication devices in schools, particularly cell phones, has negative effects on academic performance, focus, and mental health.
Under Policy 5516.01 - Student Use of Wireless Communication Devices, wireless devices include cell phones and other devices that transmit and receive voice or data via electromagnetic signals without the use of wires or cables, including but not limited to ancillary devices such as smart watches, ear buds, and wireless headphones.
An exception to this policy is provided for students using a wireless device for a purpose documented in a classified student’s IEP or a student’s 504 Plan.
Discipline for violation of this policy shall be governed by the Student Code of Conduct.
Demographics Study Available Online
The most recent Demographics Study for the Cherry Hill Public Schools, completed in February 2024 and presented to the Board of Education on April 23, 2024, is available online.
Communication Audit Results Available
WE thank the members of the Cherry Hill Public Schools community who participated in the comprehensive Communication Audit conducted earlier this year by the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). The full Audit Report is now available online.
In the coming weeks, the District will be determining next steps for improving communication based on the recommendations in the report, and will share those plans with the community.
Three CHPS Schools Earn Promising Practice Designations from Character.org
WE congratulate John A. Carusi Middle School, Woodcrest Elementary School, and Joyce Kilmer Elementary School for their 2024 Promising Practice Awards from Character.org! Carusi is recognized for its "Reverse Inclusion: Mustangs Mentoring Mustangs" program; Kilmer is recognized for their Dr. Martin Luther King Service Project; and Woodcrest is recognized for its "StoryWalks" program. “Each of these programs and initiatives have demonstrated significant impact and strongly align with the principles that help schools and organizations cultivate a culture of character,” said Dr. Arthur Schwartz, president of Character.org. More information about the Promising Practice award is on the organization's website.
Board of Education Appoints Supervisor of Special Projects
On June 25, 2024, the Board of Education will act upon the Superintendent's recommendation to appoint Ms. Carole Roskoph as Supervisor of Special Projects for the Cherry Hill Public Schools beginning July 1, 2024.
Please read the letter from Dr. Morton, sent to the West community on June 20, 2024, in anticipation of this appointment.
2024 Summer EBT Program Important Information
The Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program to ensure children have a hunger-free summer will be permanent beginning in the summer of 2024!
¡La EBT de verano será un programa permanente a partir del verano de 2024!
If you have not filled out a Federal Meal Application for the 2023-2024 school year, it is urgent that you do. Deadline is June 15, 2024!
Si no ha completado una Solicitud federal de comidas para el año escolar 2023-2024, ¡es urgente que lo haga!
Apply online at PaySchools Central by June 15, 2024.
Paper applications can be picked up from each school or Lewis Administration Building, then turned in to each school's main office.
Las solicitudes impresas se pueden recoger en cada escuela o en el edificio administrativo Lewis y luego entregarlas en cada oficina principal de las escuelas.
For questions about:
Activating the Summer EBT card
Summer EBT balance
Changing the PIN
Reporting lost, stolen or damaged card
Request a replacement card
Please contact EBT Card Customer Service at 1-800-997-3333 or www.njfamiliesfirst.com
For questions about:
Child's eligibility status
Address where the card was mailed
Date of birth listed for child
Contact via email only:
Alisha Wilson - awilson@chclc.org
Please include the student number in the email.
Woodcrest Elementary School Named National School of Character
WE congratulate the Woodcrest Elementary School Community for being named a 2024 National School of Character!
“We are pleased to announce and celebrate the schools that have earned this national recognition,” said Dr. Arthur Schwartz, President of Character.org. “Each of these schools has put in place a comprehensive approach to help students understand, care about, and consistently practice the character strengths that will help them flourish in school, in relationships, in the workplace, and as citizens.”
More information about the National School of Character award, with a list of the schools who earned the designation this year, is available online.
Registration Open for 2024 Summer Music Enrichment Program
Registration for the Cherry Hill Public Schools Summer Music Enrichment Program for rising 4th through 12th graders is now open!
The program will be held at Cherry Hill High School West from Monday, July 8 through Thursday, July 25, 2024 and offers small group classes in instrumental music and music theory.
Board of Education Appoints Dr. Kwame Morton Superintendent of the Cherry Hill Public Schools
The Board of Education at their Work Session/Special Action Meeting on April 9, 2024, appointed Dr. Kwame Morton as Superintendent of the Cherry Hill Public Schools. The Board vote is the culmination of a nine-month search for the Superintendent of the Cherry Hill Public Schools.
Dr. Morton has served the school district in administrative roles since 2008, most recently serving as Acting Superintendent.
"The future is bright for us," Dr. Morton said upon his appointment. "It's about collaboration and inclusivity, and showing every one of our children that they have a place in our district."
Board of Education Appoints Director of Elementary Education and Director of Secondary Education
The Board of Education at their meeting on April 9, 2024, appointed Mr. George Guy as Director of Elementary Education and Dr. Neil Burti as Director of Secondary Education.
Please read the letter from Dr. Morton, sent to the community on April 8, 2024, in anticipation of these appointments.
Dr. Morton Testifies Before Senate and Education Committee and Assembly Budget Committee Regarding State Funding Cuts
Acting Superintendent Dr. Kwame Morton on Thursday, March 14, 2024, testified before the NJ Senate Education Committee regarding the drastic cut in state funds for the Cherry Hill Public School District. His statement is available online.
Dr. Morton testified on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, before the NJ Assembly Budget Committee on the same topic, with a new message, which is also available online.
State of New Jersey Cuts Funding to CHPS
Please read the letter from the President of the Cherry Hill Board of Education and the Acting Superintendent regarding the $6.9 million reduction in state aid for the Cherry Hill Public Schools.
Statement Regarding the Superintendent Search
Please read the press release regarding the latest information on the Superintendent Search.
SACC Summer Camp Is Full - Applications Now Waitlist Only
School Age Child Care (SACC) Summer Camp is now full for the summer of 2024. Applications are now accepted for the waitlist only.
Reminder to Complete COVID-19 Screening Checklist, Stay Home if Experiencing Symptoms or Awaiting COVID-19 Test Results
IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS: Please be sure to have your children take the District's daily self-assessment each morning before they leave for school, and follow the recommendations in the self-assessment. If you have additional questions regarding this matter, please contact your school nurse.
A checklist that can be translated into more than 90 languages via our "Select Language" option at the top left corner of this website also is available.
Woodcrest Elementary School Named NJ State School of Character
WE congratulate Woodcrest Elementary School on their New Jersey State School of Character designation! As shared by Character.org, "You should be proud of your team's accomplishment. A State School of Character designation is not easy to obtain."
Details about School of Character designations may be found on Character.org.
CHPS Awarded Preschool Education Aid by NJDOE
At a celebratory event held at our own Estelle V. Malberg Early Childhood Center on October 18, 2023, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) announced that 26 school districts, including the Cherry Hill Public Schools, will receive Preschool Education Expansion (PEA) Expansion.
The District requested $3,417,615 in PEA to tentatively serve 249 full-day, general education, preschool students in 2023-2024.
The NJDOE will provide professional development and technical assistance geared toward the implementation of high-quality preschool programming in CHPS.
Have a question about the expanded preschool program? Ask it via the Preschool Expansion Quick Question page on the Malberg Early Childhood Center's website!
Also available is our Preschool FAQ
Student Groups Call for Peace
Students from Cherry Hill High School East's Jewish Student Union, Muslim Student Association and Middle Eastern North African Association have released a written statement and a video calling for peace in the school community and beyond. You may view the video on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9VvolPdAuQ
A Message for the Cherry Hill Community
Please read a Message for the Cherry Hill Community - October 12, 2023.
Follow-up Letter from the Acting Superintendent
Please read the follow-up letter to the October 7, 2023 letter from the acting superintendent.
Letter from the Acting Superintendent Regarding the Attack on Israel
Please read the letter from Dr. Morton regarding the attack on Israel.
CHPS Awarded $250,000 Grant to Fund Tree Planting
WE are celebrating our $250,000 grant award to fund tree planting at our schools! Marking Climate Week, September 17-24, Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette, Sustainable Jersey and The College of New Jersey announced the award of $4.55 million in grants to fund the planting of trees at 34 public schools, colleges, and universities in the state. Funded by Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction proceeds, the Trees for Schools grant program will help mitigate climate change through the planting of more than 3,000 trees across the state, many in overburdened communities and those experiencing elevated temperatures due to insufficient numbers of trees and an excess of paved areas. Awarded grants range from $12,000 to $250,000.
WE will now work with the Trees for Schools project team to develop our tree project design and will participate in tree-planting workshops. The tree plantings are scheduled for spring 2024.
School-Age Child Care Program Hiring for Before and After School Programs
Are you creative and enthusiastic? Do you enjoy working with school-age children? The School Age Child Care (SACC) Program is hiring in their before and after-school programs. Schedule is Monday through Friday, with Before Care hours from 6:45 am - 8:45 am and After Care hours from 3:20 pm - 6:05 pm.
Call the SACC Office at (856) 429-6564 or apply online.
Applications for Free & Reduced Price Meals Now Available
Attention all parents: Be sure to fill out the application for Free and Reduced Price Meals on payschoolscentral.com.
Why fill out a meal application?
- You may qualify as the eligibility guidelines have been expanded for the 23-24 school year
- If you qualify for meal benefits, you may be eligible for additional benefits (internet discounts, sports fee waived, etc.)
- The information is confidential
Letters to parents in English and Spanish are available online.
Questions? Need a paper copy mailed to you? Contact your school's main office, guidance department, or Alisha Wilson at 856-429-5600 extension 4348 or awilson@chclc.org.
CHPS Statement Regarding Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying and Violations of the Student Code of Conduct
Please read the Cherry Hill Public School District's statement regarding Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) and violations of the student code of conduct.
Board of Education Statement about Superintendent Search
A statement from Board of Education President Ms. Miriam Stern is available online.
CHPS Committed to Access
WE are committed to access across the district, with projects completed, projects in progress, and projects planned. Our Capital Reserve Funds provide the foundational funds for one-time expenses to improve educational spaces, make investments in existing infrastructure and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Projects will continue through 2023 and beyond! Text-only list of projects available at CHPS Committed to Access
Statement on CHPS Family Life Education 2022
Please read the May 23, 2022 statement from Superintendent Dr. Joseph Meloche and Board of Education President Mr. Benjamin Ovadia regarding the Cherry Hill Public Schools' Family Life Education.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Document on Critical Race Theory Available
Questions about Critical Race Theory and its use in public schools are becoming commonplace in the Cherry Hill community. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on the subject is available on this website.
New Service Offers 24/7/365 Support to Families
We are committed to the well-being of our students, staff, and families to create a safe and healthy learning environment. In support of our ongoing commitment, we partnered with Care Solace to provide an additional layer of care for our community.
Care Solace helps individuals find mental health care providers and substance use treatment centers. Their Care Companion™ team is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year to quickly connect you to carefully verified providers in our community.
Please read the letter from Dr. Meloche for details about this service.
Two CHPS Schools Earn National District of Character Designation
WE are thrilled to announce our TWO character.org National Schools of Character 2021: Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and Cherry Hill High School East! As of today, ALL 19 of our schools have earned the National School of Character designation! Way to go Wildcats & Cougars!
Letter from the Superintendent Regarding Rise in Antisemitism
Please read the letter from Dr. Meloche regarding the recent rise in antisemitism.